Did you know ?

Testing & Tagging and RCD testing should now form part of every Business Safety Management Plan.Part of creating a safe work place & environment for your employees includes the testing & tagging of all electrical appliances. Along with regular RCD testing to minimise the risk of injury, or worst death from a faulty electrical equipment in the workplace.Failing to act & comply to Work & Safety Act 2011 can lead to large penalties being issued to the your business.

How can we help ?

BJM make our clients lives easier by offering a total testing management system, which means you will not have to worry about when your appliances or RCD testing are due.BJM employ software that assigns an asset ID number to each bit of electrical equipment which is recorded into our system and generates a reminder to us when testing is due.We notify you and schedule a time for the item/s to be retested & tagged, Job Done.The price per test & tag is set so the cost is known up front before we start.BJM also offer Thermal Imaging testing of Electrical Distribution Boards, which can identify potential faults or overloads within the board and save costly down time to your business